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Daniel Fehr
Mr. Max and the Clever Mouse
Loewe von Anfang an
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Isabel Große Holtforth
28 Pages, 20.0 x 20.0 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1029-5
12,00 € (D)
12,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Help the mouse to escape!
Maximilian Max loves cheese more than anything. He is just making himself comfortable for Sunday breakfast, with lots of cheese of course - when a cheeky little mouse steals a piece! Mr. Max immediately takes up the chase. But he didn’t expect the mouse to be this clever, always finding new escape routes through hidden doors, over forgotten staircases, old clock cases, drainpipes and through the enchanted garden.
Will the mouse be able to get away? And will Mr. Max still be able to have his breakfast with cheese? The turbulent and bizarre chase ends in the garden house, where the little thief locks Mr. Max up at the end - and then calmly ravages his large plate of cheese.A funny Picture Board Book with many flaps that playfully promotes spatial awareness: Toddlers have the opportunity to help the little mouse escape by opening the flaps and thus actively participate in the story. Join in and laugh along!