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Ocke Bandixen
The Ace Striker – Wrong Game at the Big Tournament (Vol. 7)
Der Wunderstürmer, Volume 7
illustriert von Pascal Nöldner
208 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0992-3
10,95 € (D)
11,30 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Football is our passion!
• World Champion soccer series for kids – for soccer players and FIFA fans alike!
• Easy for kids to relate and identify with in digitalized times
• Large amount of b/w illustrations (about 45%), making reading even more fun!
• Absolutely funny and fast-pacedWhat happens in Volume 7:
Tim and his friends are going to the European Championship in France in their motor home. The Ace Striker has also traveled there with the Italian national team. In his luggage, Sergio Mavalli has his lucky charm Toto, a cheese made of cloth. Without him, Sergio can't score goals at tournaments. When Toto and the mascots of other players are suddenly stolen, the whole tournament is in danger! No one is lucky anymore...
Tim's concentrated coaching knowledge is needed! He must give the star players self-confidence and at the same time chase after the thieves. The thieves turn out to be Sergio's old kicker cronies: they wanted to use the thefts to annoy the professional soccer players, who only seem to care about money. Due to Tim’s tracings, the situation is being resolved. Everyone gets their mascots back, the tournament can continue!