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Lydia Hauenschild
Can You Find the Clue? - The Great Fire
Findest du die Spur?
illustriert von Joachim Krause
128 Pages, 14.0 x 20.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1340-1
8,95 € (D)
9,20 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
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More about this title
On the trail of crime: Solve 5 exciting detective cases!
• Interactive quiz crime series for children ages 8 and up.
• Five detective cases and 60 hidden object pictures per volume
• With magnifying glass inside to decipher codes and color illustrations
• Exciting activity for little detectivesThere's a fire in the villa district! Did a lightning strike really cause the fire? Lena, Leon and Till are suspicious, because the noble landlord doesn't seem to be very popular ... No sooner have they brought the truth to light than they stumble upon a new case: On an island they discover an old Viking wreck! But when they return the next day to take a closer look at their find, the wreck has been looted and the detectives have their hands full again.
Solve the cases and make use of your detective's eye! The decisive clues to finding the right clue and convicting the culprit are contained in 60 hidden object pictures. Little detectives can decipher codes with the magnifying glass (red filter foil) and get tips when they get stuck.