Vanessa Walder
The Magical Night of the Elf King (vol. 3)
Der Elfenkönig
Einband und Illustrationen von Almud Kunert
256 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-6700-5
10,90 € (D)
11,30 € (A)
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The final volume of Ariane’s adventures in the magical forest. The forest has fallen cold and dark. A mysterious threat hangs over the realm of the elf king and the end seems near with no apparent salvation for the magical forest and its inhabitants. Or is there? Elf king Leandro hears about a mystical prophecy by which the elf king needs to choose a bride that joins “the two sides”. But which two sides?
The president of the aquatics and mermaids is convinced to have the answer – of course the elf king needs to marry his daughter Aquaria, who is half magical being, half animal of the forest.
Ariane on the other hand is not so certain this is the right solution, thinking that the human world and the magical world are the two sides causing all the current problems in the magical forest. So she sets out to look for a bride half human, half magical being and realizes that Yvelle, the little witch must be the right bride. The aquatic beings are not pleased by Ariane’s interference and take her prisoner. On top of this Yvelle is nowhere to be found.
Fortunately, a number of Ariane’s friends, like Obligo the dragon, Theodor and Knaster, rabbit and gnome, are able to help at the last minute to rescue Ariane and turn around the destiny of the magical forest.