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Let's Do Arts & Crafts! - Ponies
Wir basteln! - Malen, Ausschneiden, Kleben
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Norbert Pautner
36 Pages, 18.5 x 25.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0312-9
5,95 € (D)
6,20 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Let’s Craft!
• Crafting and playing the easy way!
• Original colouring and crafting concept by crafting expert Norbert Pautner
• Simple handling
• Popular topics for boys and girls
• With instructions
• Create your own stories!
This series is just the ticket for tiny hands! It gives simple instructions and encourages even very young children to get creative as they make their first forays into the world of arts and crafts.
How to use the craft books:
First, tear off the perforated fold-out page and colour in the pictures that match the double-page scene. Difficult bits are already coloured in to make things easier. Then cut out the pictures along the extra-thick outlines using a pair of child-safe scissors and stick them onto the animal or farm scene. Children can check the finished pictures on the answer page if they need help. Colour, cut and stick – that’s all there is to it!