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14,95 € (D)
Katja Reider
Kommissar Pfote, Band 8
Inspector Paw (Vol. 8)
Chasing the Fire Devil
WOOF! The Police Are on the Case!
My name is Pepper, but you can call me Detective Paw - I solve every case. PAW PROMISE!
Fire ...
More12,95 € (D)
Katja Reider
Picture Mouse - Stories About the Police
A car crashes into a truck full of cakes - Mats sees it all! Juli helps the police catch a thief. And police dog Rocko is on an important mission.
... More9,95 € (D)
Michael Petrowitz
Leselöwen 3. Klasse
Reading Lions (Year 3)
The Toughest Kicker-Class
Who's the Toughest in Kicker Class?
Tobi loves football. Just like the rest of his class. During the break, they have the toughest matches with the other class....
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Wir basteln! ab 5 Jahren - Malen, Ausschneiden, Kleben
Let's Do Arts and Crafts! 5 and up
Painting, Cutting out, Gluing - Firefighters and Police
Crafting fun with the fire department and the police
1. Colour in all the pictures.
2. Cut out the figures along the ...
8,95 € (D)
Katja Reider
Kommissar Pfote, Band 7
Inspector Paw – Searching for Clues at the Forest Lake (Vol.7)
More12,95 € (D)
7,95 € (D)
7-Minuten-Geschichten zum Lesenlernen
7-Minutes-Stories for Early Readers - Police and Fire Brigade
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9,95 € (D)
7,95 € (D)
6,99 € (D)
Alexandra Fischer-Hunold
Silbengeschichten zum Lesenlernen
Syllable Stories for Learnign to Read - Police Stories
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7,95 € (D)
7,95 € (D)
7,95 € (D)
7,95 € (D)
7,95 € (D)
7,95 € (D)