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Dagmar Geisler
To Cry, Laugh, and be Angry
I am not too Little for That!
Be it love or anger, frustration or joy, fear or courage - all these emotions are still close together in our youngest children and are ...
More10,00 € (D)
15,00 € (D)
22,00 € (D)
Dagmar Geisler, Alexandra Ndolo
Safe Child, Happy Parent
My Body Belongs to Me - Also in Sports!
12,95 € (D)
Kyra Groh
Alles-Trilogie, Band 2
All That You Know About Me
#metoo and #bodyshaming are more than just hashtags - and can hurt deeply
Anna, Polly and Anouk all have very different goals after graduating high school, but ...
More14,95 € (D)
Antonia Michaelis
Die Amazonas-Detektive, Band 3
Amazon Detectives – Searching for Traces in the Rainforest (Vol. 3)
More13,95 € (D)
9,95 € (D)
Som Goldberg
Bens legendäre Skills, Band 2
Ben's Legendary Skills - Next Level: Reality Check (Vol. 2)
A humorous comic novel for young adults
• Author with
gaming knowledge
Comic-novel for young adults
• Lots ...
12,95 € (D)
6,95 € (D)
Katharina Schöde
Hey, Milla!, Band 1
Hey, Milla! – My Secret Magic Summer (Vol.1)
Nature, freedom and…no more school. Never ever again.
• Strong protagonist: A spirit like
Pippi Longstocking and
modern Heidi
9,95 € (D)
13,95 € (D)
Som Goldberg
Bens legendäre Skills, Band 1
Ben's Legendary Skills - Love Your Final Enemy (Vol.1)
More14,95 € (D)
In the Age of Anger
What is anger? Where does it come from? And how can we handle it?
Anger is a central condition of people living in the young 21st century....
More9,95 € (D)
Dagmar Geisler
If My Parents Are Divorced: How to Talk about Separation, Divorce, and Breakups
What happens when parents separate?
A separation always brings a lot of change and kids often times feel insecure. Do I have two homes now? How can I talk about my worries?...
More9,95 € (D)
Dagmar Geisler
My Body Belongs to Me from My Head to My Toes - Jubilee Edition
As a child, there are constantly people trying to pick you up, hug you, or tickle you. Sometimes, though, children fall victims to people who try to ...
More12,95 € (D)
Vanessa Walder
Die Unausstehlichen & ich, Band 1
The Unbearables & Me – Life‘s an Error in Calculation (Vol. 1)
More12,95 € (D)