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Julia Boehme
Tafiti, Band 23
Tafiti - Meerkats in Danger (Vol. 23)
Tafiti and Pinsel Stick Together Through Thick and Thin!
A letter? For Tafiti and his family? Yes, indeed! Distant relatives are coming to visit, and the excitement ...
More10,95 € (D)
Christiane Wittenburg
Leselöwen Lernhilfen
Reading Lions Learning Aids (Year 1)
Spelling Games
Success in 1st Grade with Leselöwen Learning Aids
Learning spelling has never been easier! Whether it’s practicing capitalization, distinguishing between similar ...
More8,95 € (D)
Sabine Giebken
Wildpferde - mutig und frei, Band 5
Wild Horses: Brave and Free (Vol. 5)
Smoke over the Prairie
Join Luna and Her Herd on a Journey Through the Prairie
At last, Luna's herd has found a feeding ground! Here, the wild horses can drink and feast to their hearts' content....
More10,95 € (D)
10,00 € (D)
Christiane Wittenburg
I Can Do All That On My Own!
You Can Do It All by Yourself!
This activity book is designed for kindergarten and preschool children to complete tasks independently. Examples on each page guide ...
More7,95 € (D)
Christiane Wittenburg
I Can Do All That On My Own!
Numbers and Quantities
You Can Do It All on Your Own!
This workbook empowers kindergarten and preschool children to solve tasks independently. Examples on each page offer support, and a ...
More7,95 € (D)
13,95 € (D)
Katja Reider
Kommissar Pfote, Band 8
Inspector Paw (Vol. 8)
Chasing the Fire Devil
WOOF! The Police Are on the Case!
My name is Pepper, but you can call me Detective Paw - I solve every case. PAW PROMISE!
Fire ...
More12,95 € (D)
Frank Passfeller
Loewe Lernkrimis
Educational Detective Stories (2nd Grade)
Sherlock Schultz and the Vanished Countess
Your Math Mystery Adventure for Puzzle Lovers
Inspired by his great idol, Sherlock Schultz aims to solve every case... or at least, he wishes he could. Luckily, his ...
More8,95 € (D)
Schreiben lernen mit Spurrillen
Learning to Write with Tracing Grooves
Pre-Writing Exercises
Writing for the first time has never been simpler! With pre-grooved lines, children can stay on track, practice pen control, and develop ...
More9,95 € (D)
Schreiben lernen mit Spurrillen
Learning to Write with Tracing Grooves
English Words
Writing your first English words has never been simpler! With pre-grooved lines, children can stay on track and develop neat handwriting ...
More9,95 € (D)
Jana Frey
Leselöwen - stark und sicher in der Schule
Reading Lions - Strong and Confident at School: I Won’t Let Anyone Bother Me!
Ready for School: Standing Up to Challenges
Becoming a schoolchild means gaining independence, but it also brings many new challenges. With the stories in this ...
More9,95 € (D)
Anna Taube, Michael Martin
Mit Michael Martin um die Welt
Around the World with Michael Martin
Our Wonderful Earth
28,00 € (D)
Dr. Christine Bortenlänger, Dr. Franz-Josef Leven
All's Money or What?
About Shares, Bitcoins and Interest Rates
Money and finances – explained the easy way
How is money made? What are securities? And how does the stock exchange actually work? Financial experts Dr. Christine ...
More16,95 € (D)
Fabian Lenk
Loewe Lernkrimis
Educational Detective Stories (1st Grade)
Sherlock Schultz on a Criminal Hunt in the Forest
8,95 € (D)
Mein Fehler-Such-Buch
My Book of Finding Mistakes
At the Riding Stable
How exciting, Kira is spending her holidays at the riding stable! She really doesn't need the mistakes that have suddenly crept into the ...
More7,95 € (D)
Karen Christine Angermayer
Rubinia Wunderherz, die mutige Waldelfe, Band 6
Rubinia Wunderherz (Vol. 6)
The Riddle of the Royal Flower
11,95 € (D)
9,95 € (D)
9,95 € (D)