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Jana Frey (Loewe)
Jana Frey was born in 1969. She started writing when she was only five years old. After studying literature, history and arts she founded a family. Jana Frey has published numerous books for children and young adults and has been awarded several times. Many of her books have been translated into various languages. Her literary range covers picture books and novels for early readers as well as novels for YA-readers. Jana Frey succeeds in combining true background stories with fictitious elements - her nomination for the "German Adolescents Literature Award" (Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis) with her title "Downward Flight" ("Höhenflug abwärts") bears evidence of her talent. In spring 2006 her well-researched and captivatingly written historic novel "Prügelknabe" attracted the critic's attention. Jana Frey lives in Wiesbaden with her family.