Fiction 8+
Anna Lisa Kiesel
Das magische Schulschiff, Band 2
Sea School of Water Magic - Hidden in the Waves (Vol. 2)
MorePeer Martin
Das geheime Leben der Tiere - Dschungel
The Secret Life of Animals (Vol. 1, Jungle)
Friendship in the Rainforest
Antonia Michaelis
Das geheime Leben der Tiere - Ozean
The Secret Life of Animals (Vol. 3, Ocean)
Minik - Adventures in the Coral Reef
Kira Gembri
Das geheime Leben der Tiere - Savanne
The Secret Life of Animals (Vol. 2, Savannah)
Maru - The Journey of the Elephants
Anna Lisa Kiesel
Das magische Schulschiff, Band 1
Sea School of Water Magic - Allies of the Sea (Vol. 1)
MoreKai Pannen
Andro, streng geheim!, Band 3
Andro, Top Secret! - Short Circuit on a Class Trip (Vol. 3)
MoreAntonia Michaelis
Das geheime Leben der Tiere - Ozean
The Secret Life of Animals (Vol. 2, Ocean)
Minik - Call of the Arctic
Kira Gembri
Das geheime Leben der Tiere - Savanne
The Secret Life of Animals (Vol. 1, Savannah)
Nuru and Lela - Wonder of the Wild
Vanessa Walder
Das geheime Leben der Tiere - Wald
The Secret Life of Animals (Vol. 2, Forest)
King of the Bears
Frank Passfeller
9 von 10 schaffen diese Rätsel nicht, Band 4
9 out of 10 Can’t Solve These Puzzles (Vol. 4)
MoreAntonia Michaelis
Die Amazonas-Detektive, Band 3